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Using Web-based Resources to Enhance Quality and Efficiency of Evaluations



Perform a more efficient and higher-quality evaluation.

  • Implement processes based on best practices.
  • Use unique online history systems that produce a best practices history. This is far more thorough than most reports and takes you minutes, not hours. As a result, many physicians (or attorneys) could save one to two hours per case.
  • Use a software-integrated functional testing system.
  • Use software systems for AMA Guides ratings, e.g., Cedaron (5th and 6th editions) or J-Tech (5th edition)

Manage and analyze documents efficiently and with ease.

  • Use digital documents (.pdf), not paper.
  • Securely obtain, store and send electronic documents.
  • Use software systems to facilitate the indexing, organizing, and review of medical records.
  • Select and use external resources to organize and summarize documents at a small fraction of the cost of you doing this work.
  • Develop optical character recognized records (OCR’d) and automatically create a detailed report index that you and your clients will highly value.
  • Learn what software and hardware will facilitate your virtual work

Prepare high-quality reports with excellent efficiency.

  • Use templates, text blocks, text expanders, timeline generators, artificial intelligence transcription systems, and digital writing assistance tools.
  • Access highly useful web-based information systems.
  • Use external resources to facilitate report production, proofreading, and ensuring high quality.
  • Add a Table of Contents and an Index to set your reports apart from others.

Use resources that will save you hours each week and result in higher quality.

  • Custom online referral systems.
  • Online appointment scheduling systems.
  • Online form systems.
  • Email management using automated processes.
  • Using freelancing platforms where you can connect with quality professionals worldwide that provide you with leverage (e.g., Upwork)
  • Offer virtual evaluations

Market more effectively to attract higher valued referrals.

  • Enhance your “brand” and professional image.
  • Develop an effective web presence.
  • Use social media for promotion.
  • Create a professional image, e.g., in reports, emails, and virtual meetings.

Enhance your profits.

  • Decrease the time and cost involved in performing evaluations and running your practice.
  • Base fees on service, not time.
  • Define effective Fee and Payment Policies.



